Saturday, 29 June 2013

New Painting Toy (airbrush compressor)

A few days ago I changed my old airbrush compressor to a new, larger one. I'm just starting to test it. Soon I will try to provide an opinion on that 'machine'. I expect it will be much better than the previous one.
Below, picture of my old and new compressor.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Dr. McMourning and His Scientific Achievements

Finally find some time to prepare for painting another of my Malifaux crew. This time Resurrectionists, crew led by Doc. Painting works for other people does not allow me to 'take care' of my minis, so again only a preparation for further work. Perhaps in the near future I can present something more (more painted) from the world of Malifaux.
(bases almost ready)

Monday, 10 June 2013

Weathering effects... continued - German Tank StuG. III Ausf. F/8 1/35

Below, another example of weathering effects used on german Tank.
This time, dust and dirt.

The whole armor was painted with an airbrush and the individual elements finished using various AK Interactive effects (

Friday, 7 June 2013

Weathering effects - German Tank Panzer I Ausf. B 1/35

Recently, I decided to try imitate some weathering effects on some models. The best one for this type of practice is of course a tank. So, this time I present You something from the historical perspective.

Below, some of the results:

And a few selected details on front and back:

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Malifaux Town - Urban District Project #3

The next step of construction completed.
Only left windows, doors, and some stylistic elements... and of course painting.

Below, a glance at the scale of the building in relation to the Malifaux models: